Zingiber officinale Such an exotic plant! Verdant spear-like leaves, inflorescences resembling flaming torches, reddish purple…
Cosmetic Facial Acupuncture
Whilst beginning my Tibetan medicine journey I often remarked how much more relaxed and rested people looked after such a short treatment time. This was most apparent when I was performing acupuncture for Sinus, Eye or Jaw problems. Coming in heavy lidded and jowled they would leave lifted and fresh cheeked.
I eventually decided to investigate facial acupuncture in its own right. Sure enough, the points I regularly used were the same. Generally they are used in combination with slightly varying techniques and an even shorter application time. Body points are also used to maintain homeostasis.
However, cosmetic acupuncture isn’t just about fresh, bright eyed, dewy looking skin but ultimately Health. Physical and emotional stress is often visible , we wear it on our face.
The condition of your skin is an indication of your internal health. Problems with the skin may be an indicator of internal or emotional disorders. Being well balanced, rested, nourished and in good cheer is a tonic that keeps many ailments away.
The treatment itself is very relaxing. Elma cream, a mild anaesthetic cream can be applied beforehand whilst after the needles a gentle massage and mask compliment the procedure.”
Women make up the larger percentage of clients for cosmetic facial acupuncture yet the Men that I have treated respond just as favourably. One rather squeamish middle aged gentleman I treated was so enthralled with the compliments he received after just one session he booked the whole course.
Whether you have a skin issue that needs addressing or are just looking for a relaxed pamper, cosmetic facial acupuncture may be the treatment that offers a little bit extra.