Zingiber officinale Such an exotic plant! Verdant spear-like leaves, inflorescences resembling flaming torches, reddish purple…
Neuroplasticity and Acupuncture
A Tibetan Medicine premise:
The body is an expression of the mind.”
A relatively modern buzz word in Medicine and Psychology is NEUROPLASTICITY.
This term refers to the ability of the brain to change both its structure and function , rewiring pathways and interconnections and changing its neural network.
Not so long ago we were taught that the brain was wired a certain way and if damaged by trauma or disease there was no repairing the pathways. Rehabilitation was limited and medication symptomatically prescribed.
There has been exciting developments in Neuroscience Research over the last few decades, revealing how the brain and nervous system work, repair, heal and adapt. Progressive treatment protocols for conditions like Parkinson’s, ADHD, ADD, and Stroke Patients are being created and implemented. Chiropractic and Osteopathy are also involved with developing research to better understand the mechanics of their effects on the brain and body.
Many Traditional Healing techniques, and complimentary Health professions work through the mind, brain and body connections. Physiotherapy, Feldenkrais, Bowen, Mediation practises, sound therapies, to mention a few all help to modulate brain pathways. Self help techniques such as affirmations and brain training also demonstrate neuroplasticity of the Brain.
There are some wonderful books on this subject. Norman Doidge M.D has written the engaging books “The Brain that changes itself” & “The Brains way of healing”, both I highly recommend.
Tibetan medicine techniques and acupuncture influence Structure, Function and Form of the Mind, Brain and Body. Promoting healing, development and adaptation of compromised pathways and systems within the Being. Overall it improves the Emotional state, Physical vitality and Mental vigour.
Adaptation however, takes time and consistency. Given the time, patience, and correct stimulus some positive results can be achieved.
{The Science bit: non-invasive MRI techniques have monitored dynamic changes within the brain of stroke patients, assessing functions such as blood flow and structural alterations before and after acupuncture. Studies have shown both motor & sensorimotor networks, language related and cognitive areas of the brain being modulated by acupuncture, positively influencing neuroplasticity.}